Saturday, August 7th, 2010
Dear Investors:
Please let us introduce the following investment property.
Type: residential
Address: 3, Miyoshi-cho, pulp fiction essay, (5-min walk from Bubaigawara station of Keio Line & JR Nambu Line)
Land: 268.34 square meters
Floor area: 387.41 square meters
Structure: Reinforced Concrete / 3 stories
Year built: 1990
Current operation ratio: 7/9
Annual return (@100%): 10,176,000 yen
Asking price: 145,000,000 yen
Others: 9 units in total – 1 x 1-bedroom, 4 x 2-bedroom; and Bubaigawara station is 25 minutes from Shinjuku station (direct)
Please let us know, if you are interested in this property.
Best regards,
Minato Asset Management
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